Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Excellent Photo Manipulation Tutorials

One of the most interesting and difficult thing to do in Photoshop would be Photo Manipulation. To take a few photos and combining them in to one isn't as simple as blending them together. Over the months, i have bookmarked quite few tutorials that deals with such technique. But sadly i haven't got the time to come up with one of mine. However, i would be more than eager to share it with you guys.

1. Fantasy Photomanipulation

2. Movie Poster

3. Something cute...

Mini Cars

4. If you are one for quirkiness...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Create A Psychedelic-Grunchy Photography Desktop Wallpaper

Warning: A lengthy tutorial up ahead. Click at your own risk. If you feel that some part of the tutorial are quite brief, you can download the PSD right here. Pls comment and rate this tutorial. Thanks.

Create Background

1. Create a new document 1200 px by 800px.

2. Download and Paste this image 1 and this image 2. Make sure Image 1 is below image 2.

3. Desaturate image 2 and set Blending Option to overlay.

3. Create a new layer on top of the two image layer. Press "D" to set the default Foreground/Background color. Go to Filter> Render > Clouds. Go to Filter > Render > Difference Cloud. Go to Filter > Distort > Ocean Ripple. Set Blending option to screen.

4. Group these layer together as "Background".

Create Lens

1. Download and Paste this image. Move this image to the top most layer. Name the layer "Lens".

2. Create new layer.Use Ellipse tool to draw a circle around the glass inside the lens. Fill it up with white.Hide it.

3. Create a new layer on top of this image. Name it "spray". Use this brush to brush on "Spray". Ctrl-Click on the "Lens" layer and with the "Spray" layer selected, go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All. Set to "Soft Light".

4. Create new layer on top. Name it "Flash". Press "D" to set the default Foreground/Background color. Go to Filter> Render > Clouds. Go to Filter > Render > Difference Cloud. Go to Image > Adjustment > Invert.

5. Go to Image > Adjustment > Color Balance.

6. Ctrl - Click on white circle layer and with the "Flash" layer selected, Go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All.

7. Change Blending Option to Vivid Light.

8. Create a new layer. Name it Reflection. Ctrl-Click on the white circle. Fill this layer with "white" too. Using a ellipse marquee tool, cut off part of the new white circle. Set to Soft Light and Opacity to 52%.

9. Group these layers together and name it "Lens"

Create a Camera part

1. Download and paste this image. Name this layer "Camera".( i dun know what part of this camera is called :P ). Move the layer on top of the "Lens" Group. Add "Drop Shadow" to this layer.

Create Lens Brush

1. Download this brush. Create a new layer and brush it with a few colors with different brushes. Name this layer "brushColor".

2. Right Click on the "Lens" group and click "convert to smart object".

3. Double click on the smart object and it would bring up a new window.

4. Go to Edit > Define Brush Preset and save the brush.

5. Close the window and go back to the original document.

6. With brush tool selected, go to "Brush Palette" which is normally near the top right of the window.

7. Create a new layer above the "Background" Group. Name it "Spiral".

8. Brush in a spiral manner.

9. Ctrl-Click on the "Spiral" layer and with the "brushColor" layer selected, go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All.

10. Change the blending option of "Spiral" to "Overlay".

Create a stream of lens

1. Duplicate the "Lens" Group. Right Click on the group and click "Merge Group".

2. Continue to duplicate and transform the "Lens" to form a stream towards the Camera.

3. Group all the duplicated "Lens" layer and name them "Stream".
4. Duplicate "Stream" and merge group. Shift this copy layer behind the "Stream" layer.
5. Ctrl-Click on the "Stream Copy" layer and with this layer selected, fill it up with black color. Press Ctrl+ D to deselect.

6. Go to Filter> Blur > Gaussian Blur. Set to 9px.

7. Go to Blending Option.

Decorate the Camera Region

1. Create a new layer behind the "Camera" layer. Use this picture below and paste it in the layer.

2. Change the Blending Option to "Multiplicity". You can transform and move it to your liking.

3. Use the same technique that i used for apply grunge effect to the lens for the camera.

Create the butterfly

1. Download this brush. Create a new layer on the top most and name it "butterfly". Select a butterfly brush and brush it. Give the "butterfly" layer default drop shadow.

2. Create a new layer on top and name it "color". Set the blending option to "color". Choose a few color of your choice and start coloring the butterfly.

Final Image:

How to search effectively in

Recently some readers emailed me that my google search engine sucks. That's like rubbing salt to my wound. I ain't earning any money from it and i still got flamed for it. :angry face:

But after having my hissy fits, i realised the fault actually do lies with me. I didnt really specify how to use the search engine effectively and i had just one search engine linking to too many websites. Hence, this blog post is born.

Changes made:

+ Two Search Engine to cater for specific needs
+ One search engine is for finding tutorials in Mix-Mash while the other is for finding Adobe Brushes

How to use them effectively?
For Tutorial Search, it is as simple as entering search terms like "cartoon" to search for my "How to create a cartoon scene" tutorials. It saves you the hassle of remembering the full name of the tutorial.

For Brush Search, for example you are looking for a brush like a Skull Brush. So basically type "skull", and this sample result page would enter:

As you can see, the result are very direct and related to what you want it to be. So hopefully, this mini help-page clears things up

Friday, October 10, 2008

Create you own Avatar - MANGA STYLE!!!

A nice flash website where you can create your own avatar. This is really helpful especially for people who don't like to put their real photo on forums and websites. A cute manga avatar can let you display your online persona and grab some attention along the way.

Well there's a alternative fun way to do this too. You can ask your friends to do a avatar resembling you while you do the same for them.

Here's what some of my friends did for me:

Create your Manga-style Avatar right now

Monday, October 6, 2008

Preview of the next tutorial~

Through the eyes of a Lens by ~p0larBoy on deviantART

It's gonna be lengthy so be patient~

Adding Focus to your Photo

Sometime you might want your main character in your Photo to pop or be more prominent than others, "Lens Blur" is always the tool to go to. It is simple too use but yet again under-utilized for many Photoshop users. Well, let's get started.

1. Open any image that u want. Most preferably image that has two objects that are apart in distance(eg. in front and behind).

2. Next Duplicate this layer and hide the original layer. Just in case you screw up ;p

3. Click on the "Channel" tab and Create a new Channel. This would create a alpha channel and your image would turn black.

4. Still staying in the "Channel" tab, make the "RGB" layer visible by clicking on the eye beside it. This is so that you can see where you are brushing on. Make sure your Alpha Channel is active by clicking on it.

5. Make sure your foreground color is white. Use a soft brush(ard 14%) with size 15 and start brushing around the edges of your object that you want the focus to be on.

6. After the edges are done, use a hard brush(100%) with size 50 to fill up the inside of the edges.

7. Hide the Alpha Channel by clicking on the eye. Make "RGB" layer the active layer by clicking on it.

8. Go back to the "Layer" tab. With the duplicated layer selected, go to Filter > Blur > Lens Blur. Make source: "alpha 1". Click "Invert".

9. Adjust the radius til your liking. For me, my radius would be 15. Next add some Gaussian Noise to make the blur more realistic. Adding a small amount of noise would do. my noise level is "3".

10. There you go~

Before and After

Picture Credit: MichalGiedrojc

Picture Credit: juliadavis

For people who cant get past step 5: Download PSD File