Thursday, December 4, 2008

Lioness And Car

Ok this is my first Photomanipulation photoshop lesson at Mix&Mash. Let me forewarn u guys before you all proceed. Some of the "levels" adjustment and shadows-filling are intuitive and i cant really tell u what the specific measurements are because even if i do, 80% of the chance it wun appear the same on your computer screen. So let your designer instinct take over~~

Final Result:
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

1. Download this image package.

2. Open Old Car.jpg and crop away the top and bottom black bar.

3. Open up the Lioness.jpg and use Pen Tool to trace the Lioness. Make sure you feather your selection with 2px before cropping it out.

4. Copy and paste the cropped lioness onto the Old Car file document. Place the lioness on the front of the car.
5. The most important thing now is to see where your light is coming from. From the photo you see the light are coming from the front right, judging from the shadow on the left of the car.

6. So we are going to deal with the lighting direction of the lioness. Let's duplicate two more copies of the lioness and name it accordingly.

7. Hide the Dark Layer. Select your Light layer. Press Ctrl- L to bring out the "Level". Shift the right controls towards the left to lighten the whole lioness.
P.S. The numbers on the picture are not the one to follow.

8. Switch on the visibility of the Dark layer and press Ctrl -L. Now we shift the left control towards the right to darkern the Lioness.
9. Both layers we apply layer mask and hide all. Layer > Layer Mask > Hide All.

10. Click on the layer mask of the Light Layer. Use a white brush and start brushing at the part of the lioness circled in red. This is because the shadow on the lioness is wrong. We need to get rid of the shadow by brightening that spot.

This is what u will get:

11) Now we select the layer mask of the Dark Layer. Use a white brush and paint on the spot you think will need shadows. These are my suggestions circled in red. If you think some of the parts are too dark, use a black brush erase it away. Use a white brush with lower opacity and brush it again.

This is what you will get:

12) Open up the Stone.jpg and crop out the largest stone in it. Remember the feather of 2px radius. Paste it in the Old Car document file. Position the Stone around the part where the lioness's hand is hanging in air. Transform the stone to your liking.

13) Group the lioness layers together and duplicate it. Merge the duplicated layer together and named it "Lion Top". As the name implies, place it on top of the "Stone" layers. Duplicate two Stone copies and place it above "Stone" Layer but below Lion Top. Apply Layer Mask > Hide All for the "Lion Top" layer.Name them accordingly.

14) Make the "Stone Dark" layer invisible. Use a white brush and brush out the lion hand paw and the chest covering the stone. But take note that the stone should be covering the armpit.

15) For the "stone copy" layer, press Ctrl-L to brighten the stone. Apply layer mask > Reveal All.

16) Select the layer mask of stone copy. Use a black brush and brush at the underneath of the lioness to create shadow. Make sure you do not go overboard with the brushing. Just brush it close to then Lioness if not it would make the stone look like it is floating.

17) Make the "Stone Dark" layer visible and change the blending option to multiply and opacity to 32%.

18) Open up the Drinking_Lioness.jpg. This time we wun crop the picture. Ctrl-A to select the whole picture and copy and paste it in the Old Car document file. Name it "drinking"

19) Position the smaller lioness onto the door ledge.To make this easier, change the opacity of the "Drinking" to around 40% to 50%. Now apply layer> Reveal All. Use a pen tool and trace out the smaller lioness. Right click and select "Make Selection". Feather radius = 2px. Press Ctrl - Alt - I to inverse the the selection. Fill it up with black.

20) We can see that the lioness's back is over-exposed. We need to even out this part. Duplicate this layer. Image > Adjustment > Brightness and Contrast. Adjust the brightness to the left. Make it dark.

21) Apply layer mask > Hide All. Now use a white brush with a brush opacity of 50% and brush the back of the Lioness.

22) Ok we are pretty much done here. If you want to add in the water surface, you can visit this excellent Water Surface tutorial here.

23) Optional.
+ Merge every layer together. Duplicate the layer. Add a gaussian blur of 1 px to the duplicated layer and put the blending option to "Soft Light".

This might not be the best Photo Manipulation tutorial out there but hopefully you picked up some technique and kickstart your creativity. :)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Preview of next tutorial~~

Because it's exam time!!! snort~~~

However, i managed to sneak some time to play around with Photoshop. Just a preview of what's coming next:





It will be my first Photo Manipulation tutorial, so far i'm still tweaking it to make it perfect. So Stay Tuned and don't delete this blog from your Bookmarks, pls~~~

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Excellent Photo Manipulation Tutorials

One of the most interesting and difficult thing to do in Photoshop would be Photo Manipulation. To take a few photos and combining them in to one isn't as simple as blending them together. Over the months, i have bookmarked quite few tutorials that deals with such technique. But sadly i haven't got the time to come up with one of mine. However, i would be more than eager to share it with you guys.

1. Fantasy Photomanipulation

2. Movie Poster

3. Something cute...

Mini Cars

4. If you are one for quirkiness...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Create A Psychedelic-Grunchy Photography Desktop Wallpaper

Warning: A lengthy tutorial up ahead. Click at your own risk. If you feel that some part of the tutorial are quite brief, you can download the PSD right here. Pls comment and rate this tutorial. Thanks.

Create Background

1. Create a new document 1200 px by 800px.

2. Download and Paste this image 1 and this image 2. Make sure Image 1 is below image 2.

3. Desaturate image 2 and set Blending Option to overlay.

3. Create a new layer on top of the two image layer. Press "D" to set the default Foreground/Background color. Go to Filter> Render > Clouds. Go to Filter > Render > Difference Cloud. Go to Filter > Distort > Ocean Ripple. Set Blending option to screen.

4. Group these layer together as "Background".

Create Lens

1. Download and Paste this image. Move this image to the top most layer. Name the layer "Lens".

2. Create new layer.Use Ellipse tool to draw a circle around the glass inside the lens. Fill it up with white.Hide it.

3. Create a new layer on top of this image. Name it "spray". Use this brush to brush on "Spray". Ctrl-Click on the "Lens" layer and with the "Spray" layer selected, go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All. Set to "Soft Light".

4. Create new layer on top. Name it "Flash". Press "D" to set the default Foreground/Background color. Go to Filter> Render > Clouds. Go to Filter > Render > Difference Cloud. Go to Image > Adjustment > Invert.

5. Go to Image > Adjustment > Color Balance.

6. Ctrl - Click on white circle layer and with the "Flash" layer selected, Go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All.

7. Change Blending Option to Vivid Light.

8. Create a new layer. Name it Reflection. Ctrl-Click on the white circle. Fill this layer with "white" too. Using a ellipse marquee tool, cut off part of the new white circle. Set to Soft Light and Opacity to 52%.

9. Group these layers together and name it "Lens"

Create a Camera part

1. Download and paste this image. Name this layer "Camera".( i dun know what part of this camera is called :P ). Move the layer on top of the "Lens" Group. Add "Drop Shadow" to this layer.

Create Lens Brush

1. Download this brush. Create a new layer and brush it with a few colors with different brushes. Name this layer "brushColor".

2. Right Click on the "Lens" group and click "convert to smart object".

3. Double click on the smart object and it would bring up a new window.

4. Go to Edit > Define Brush Preset and save the brush.

5. Close the window and go back to the original document.

6. With brush tool selected, go to "Brush Palette" which is normally near the top right of the window.

7. Create a new layer above the "Background" Group. Name it "Spiral".

8. Brush in a spiral manner.

9. Ctrl-Click on the "Spiral" layer and with the "brushColor" layer selected, go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal All.

10. Change the blending option of "Spiral" to "Overlay".

Create a stream of lens

1. Duplicate the "Lens" Group. Right Click on the group and click "Merge Group".

2. Continue to duplicate and transform the "Lens" to form a stream towards the Camera.

3. Group all the duplicated "Lens" layer and name them "Stream".
4. Duplicate "Stream" and merge group. Shift this copy layer behind the "Stream" layer.
5. Ctrl-Click on the "Stream Copy" layer and with this layer selected, fill it up with black color. Press Ctrl+ D to deselect.

6. Go to Filter> Blur > Gaussian Blur. Set to 9px.

7. Go to Blending Option.

Decorate the Camera Region

1. Create a new layer behind the "Camera" layer. Use this picture below and paste it in the layer.

2. Change the Blending Option to "Multiplicity". You can transform and move it to your liking.

3. Use the same technique that i used for apply grunge effect to the lens for the camera.

Create the butterfly

1. Download this brush. Create a new layer on the top most and name it "butterfly". Select a butterfly brush and brush it. Give the "butterfly" layer default drop shadow.

2. Create a new layer on top and name it "color". Set the blending option to "color". Choose a few color of your choice and start coloring the butterfly.

Final Image: