Thursday, May 31, 2007

Houston we got a problem~~

Wun be doing any new skins until i got my desktop repaired.. Although my apple laptop is working fine but coding on it would mean that it most probably wun work in IE.. Anyway hope my new comp gets repaired soon~~

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Recoding of all skins -.-"

Found out a major glitch in my skins designing.. Now making sure all my skins are both compatible in FF and IE, the two most downloaded web browsers on earth!! But don't worry safari and opera users. If it works in both FF and IE, 99.99% it would work in safari and opera browser... i hope.. Anyway skins downloads can be found at the sidebar --->

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Major alignment problem

My blog is looking pretty terrible right now.. Gotta find some ways to make my blog skin compatible for all browsers.. I do my coding on my Mac and i uses Safari for previews. But when i switches to IE, the alignment is totally off. But luckily FireFox still works fine. Stupid IE, always act special...

4th skin: Push Pull Plug Play

My 4th skin is up..

Download link:
Having some huge ass problem with the 4th skin.. Hopefully can get it done by tmr~~

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Downloads for "Simple Pleasure"

OMFG.. The preview is looking terrible at the Don't know what the hell is wrong with the coding but anyway it is working perfectly at BlogSkins though..

Latest skin: Simple Pleasure

Download it -->

Simple Pleasure

OK it's up. But still not for download. Still got the itchy feeling that the skin is lacking something.. Maybe will change the clock layout and some font type

3rd Skin coming up~~

The title is call Simple Pleasure and it's gonna real simple~~ Still figuring the fonts and the design around the entries level.

Monday, May 7, 2007

been rather lazy to do any blog designing nowadays.. But i would try to get everything done by this week.. Then i would post the template up for you guys to download.. Nitey Nitez

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Test Test 2

Finally got my the whole blogskin up and running.. Designed everything myself.. Took around 1 and half days for everything.. Gonna do up the font tml.. zzz time